Memberships and Fees
If you have enjoyed trying bowls some free taster sessions and would like to play more regularly you will need to join the club. This is a simple process of completing a short application form to be endorsed by two full members and then approved by the club committee.
If you would like to arrange a private social game for you, your friends or workplace please see the Pay to Play details or contact us directly and we'd be happy to host if appropriate.
Annual Fees for 2025
Annual membership fees contribute to the cost of maintaining the green and running the club, small match and competition fees (£1 - £3) are also paid on a pay as you play basis.
New adult bowlers in their first season
£50 New members are allocated a ‘buddy’ in their first season. Someone they get along with that can be relied on to have fun and integrate into the club and game.
Membership Fees
£110 Adult Bowler
£35 Adults 18+ in full time education
£20 Junior Bowler (Aged 14-17)
£10 Associate members
We welcome applications from all members of the community and encourage people to join with significantly reducing fees for new bowlers and for those on low incomes. These would be considered on a case-by- case basis and should be supported by evidence, for example eligibility for free school meals. You can pay fees in instalments by making a standing order to the club.
Only members over 18 are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting and stand for office, all other types of membership entitle the member to play but not to vote. Associate members can play subject to conditions but may not vote.
Pay to Play
Pay to Play is now available for people who just want to play an occasional game of bowls.
Please contact Carol Watt-Sullivan to book on Friday evenings (5.30pm – 7.30pm) or Saturday mornings (10am to 12noon).
The cost is £10 per person for 2 hours and up to 6 players.
All equipment, including bowls, provided, please wear flat shoes otherwise just come as you are.